Thursday 17 June 2010

Silver Linings

I made the big leap and I'm now officially self employed! Its very scary and overwhelming as at yet, I've no money coming in and therefore no income.
So at the minute, I'm doing everything I can to get myself out there with promo and of course, I am building up my stock.

Today I felt a drop in energy and motivation, I felt like I had made a big mistake but also feel like I cant go back either so I felt a bit stuck between a rock and a hard place. However, I can only really go onwards and upwards or pack it all in and be miserable! To cheer myself up, and inspire myself, I thought I'd actually think about all the things I've acheived so far.

I gave myself a massive task list of all the things I have to do these next few weeks and I'm pleased to say I have managed to cross more than a couple off the list. I've also completed a couple of projects that were outstanding. 

I'm also proud of myself for learning a new skill today! See,  every cloud does a silver lining if you look hard enough.
photo by flickr user maistora

I've also realised, I need a bit of guidance from professionals and so I have contacted Blue Orchid who help new startup businesses - especially Women in the Manchester and Liverpool areas. They offer workshops in various things like business and book keeping. Check them out if you fancy making the big leap!

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